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Everything You Need To Know About the New Moon in Capricorn

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The upcoming new moon falls on January 11/12 2024. A new moon occurs when the moon is positioned between the Earth and the sun, making its illuminated side face away from us, so it appears invisible in the sky. Symbolically, it represents new beginnings, a blank slate, or a fresh start. Some people associate the new moon phase with planting seeds for future endeavours because it’s a time for setting intentions, starting new projects, or initiating changes similar to planting seeds in fertile soil, nurturing them, and watching them grow over time. It’s a period of potential and opportunity to cultivate what you wish to manifest in your life. The new moon in Capricorn combines the energies of the moon (representing emotions, instincts) with the traits of Capricorn (associated with ambition, responsibility, and practicality). Symbolically, this alignment emphasizes setting realistic goals, working diligently toward them, and focusing on long-term achievements. Capricorn’s influence encourages discipline, planning, and a methodical approach to pursue ambitions. It’s a time for assessing your ambitions, establishing solid foundations for future success, and taking steps towards your aspirations with determination and perseverance.

Planetary Alignments 

The sun and moon are both in the sign of Capricorn. The new moon in Capricorn signifies a fresh start and setting intentions in areas related to ambition, long-term goals, and practical endeavours. Capricorn energy emphasizes responsibility, determination, and building solid foundations for success. This period encourages reflecting on your aspirations, planning diligently, and taking steps toward achieving your objectives with patience and discipline. When the sun is also in Capricorn during this new moon phase, it amplifies these qualities. The sun represents your core identity, vitality, and conscious awareness. Its alignment with Capricorn further enhances the focus on ambition, hard work, and the willingness to put in the necessary effort to reach your goals. The combined influence of the new moon and the sun in Capricorn intensifies the energy for initiating new projects, setting practical intentions, and working steadily toward creating a stable and successful future. Currently, Uranus is the only planet retrograde right now. Uranus kicked off its annual retrograde on Aug. 28 and is moving backward in Taurus until Jan. 27, 2024. When Uranus is in retrograde, it appears to move backward in its orbit as observed from Earth. Astrologically, this period often brings a time of introspection, inner change, and unexpected shifts. Uranus represents innovation, rebellion, and sudden change. Its retrograde phase might encourage reevaluating your approach to independence, personal freedom, and embracing your unique identity. It can also bring suppressed desires or unconventional ideas to the surface, prompting a need for inner liberation and breaking away from stagnant patterns. It’s a time when unexpected events or sudden insights may push you towards personal growth and embracing new perspectives.

What To Expect


Unexpected Shifts 

The new moon in Capricorn encourages setting intentions for long-term goals and practical endeavors, while Uranus in retrograde prompts inner reflection and unexpected changes. When these energies combine, they create a dynamic where your carefully planned goals may face unexpected alterations or new perspectives might emerge, leading to shifts in your life path. Capricorn’s influence encourages structured planning, but Uranus retrograde challenges conventional approaches, fostering a need for inner liberation and change. This combination may bring sudden insights, unexpected events, or suppressed desires to the surface, prompting shifts in your ambitions or a change in direction that you hadn’t initially considered. The new moon’s emphasis on setting intentions aligns with Uranus’ call for embracing uniqueness, potentially leading to unforeseen opportunities or changes that align more authentically with your inner self during this period. Remember, in the times it seems like your world is crashing down – things need to fall apart in order for the new to come in

Embracing Personal Growth 

The new moon in Capricorn, with its emphasis on ambition and practical goals, aligns with the disciplined energy needed for personal growth. Simultaneously, Uranus in retrograde encourages introspection and unexpected shifts, providing an opportunity for transformative change. The combination prompts reflection on long-term aspirations and a reassessment of your approach to personal freedom and uniqueness. Unexpected insights or suppressed desires may come to the forefront, pushing you to break away from stagnant patterns. This period fosters an environment where embracing personal growth involves not only setting practical intentions but also being open to unconventional ideas and unexpected opportunities that can lead to a more authentic and fulfilling path of self-discovery.

Establishing Solid Foundations 

The new moon in Capricorn emphasizes setting intentions for long-term goals, while Capricorn’s energy is all about responsibility, ambition, and building stable foundations. Uranus retrograde, on the other hand, prompts introspection and unexpected shifts. These celestial influences, when combined, contribute to establishing solid foundations by encouraging a disciplined and structured approach to goal-setting and planning. Capricorn’s influence reinforces the need for patience, hard work, and practicality in achieving these goals. Meanwhile, Uranus retrograde prompts us to reassess our methods and approach, leading to unexpected insights or changes in perspective that can contribute to building more innovative and stable foundations for our aspirations. The energy of this combination urges us to blend traditional values of discipline and hard work (from Capricorn) with a willingness to embrace unconventional ideas or unexpected changes (from Uranus retrograde) to create a more robust and adaptive foundation for our future endeavors.

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