Everything You Need To Know About Meditation

Everything You Need To Know About Meditation

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Meditation is a practice that’s been around for thousands of years, yet there’s still misconceptions of what mediation actually is. Meditation is a technique an individual uses to train attention and awareness to achieve a clear, calm and stable state. These techniques include mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity.

History of Meditation

Since the practice of meditation has been around for thousands of years, pinpointing the exact date of origin has been quite hard.  The earliest records of meditation practice date from approximately 1500 years BC, that was recorded in accent text. Mediation has been most commonly involved with the Buddhist community, but is also seen in Hinduism, Judaism and many other religions.

Benefits of Meditation 


Meditation has tons of mental benefits, studies have shown that meditation can Increase attention span, improves memory and brings better mental clarity to one’s self. There are many guided meditations to help with enhancing a skill set, fight writer’s block and help bring creativity. Meditation also helps in clearing and balancing your chakras, which helps with mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of oneself.


There are lots of short term and long term emotional benefits of meditation. Mindful meditations help reduce stress and lower vibrational emotions. Long term benefits of meditation help build self esteem and self love, reduce depression and anxiety.  As well as through different guided meditations, you are able to heal the inner child, traumas and triggers, which is great when doing shadow work.


Being in a meditative state helps increase pain tolerance, as it makes one better at coping with pain. You can also be in a meditative state when you are working out and can even do guided meditations to help you achieve your desired physical appearance.


There are plenty of spiritual benefits that meditation brings oneself. Being in a state of mindfulness is the gateway to the 5D realm, therefore the possibilities are quite endless. During deep states of mediation one is able to access the Akashic Records, and are able to connect with spirit guides and higher self.

Different Ways You Can Meditate

To get into a meditative state, all you need to do is bring your complete attention to the present moment by focusing on where you are and who you are. One must be in a state of mindfulness, like a stillness in the brain when you are not thinking constantly. That being said, it is quite common and normal for your mind to raise when first trying to meditate, which is why some people can’t get into it. There are other ways than just sitting or laying down listening to  guided meditations or by listening to music. You can meditate by moving the body such as yoga, dancing and any other physical activity.  You can  meditate by doing any skill, such as painting, writing, making music crafts, knitting, chess, building.. etc. . Pretty much anything you are doing that focuses your energy is being in a state of meditation, as long as your mind is at peace and in harmony.