Harvest Full Moon

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5 Things You Need to know About Octobers Harvest Full Moon

This year’s Harvest Full Moon will fall on October 1st & 2nd and is one of the two full moons this month! There will be another full moon on October 31st, which only happens every 19 years, on top of having two full moons in one month that only happens every 3-4 years. So the rarity of this happening again are relatively low, making this energy very intense.

Harvest moons are the first full moon after the fall equinox (which just happened on September 22nd) and are often perceived as cleansing, purging and a time to release what’s no longer serves us.


The planetary alignment during this time is definitely a bold energy. Have you noticed you are feeling a little more feisty or more determined lately? Not only is the full moon in Aries, but Mars went into retrograde on September 9th and will last till November 13th.

So what does this mean? Well Aries are the first fire sign of the zodiac. They are bold, they are ambitious, they are so determined that they will impulsively dive headfirst into situations. With their confident, passionate and optimistic nature they are usually natural born leaders, but they are also short-tempered, impatient and moody. This fiery energy will be at an all time high, and it’s up to each individual whether they let frustrations, anger and resentment get the best of them, or to use this energy to their advantage.

2. THE “I AM”

Aries tend to be more self-oriented than most signs, and so is this full moons energy. This is a time where focusing on ourselves or rights will heighten. What are YOUR needs, desires, passions, goals? What are YOU wanting out of life ?

During this Aries Full Moon and Mars being in retrograde, it will exactly square Saturn. That means we will feel some of Saturn’s energy as well. Saturn represents authority, while Mars represents individuality, so there will be an intense energy around individual rights, government, rules and regulations. With the state of the world right now things could get heated, but keep in mind squares are stepping stones, so this just the beginning of what is next to come. 


This is a time to figure out what’s working and what’s not working in your life. What’s holding you back? What’s making things so heavy? What do you need to release?

Any toxicity or trauma that no longer serves us will and should be purged away. Think of it as you are taking an axe and you are cutting anything in your way to reach your goals. These are the things we need to get rid of and let go in order to grow and evolve as individuals.


This full moon energy is intense and fiery, one can either let built up anger get the best of them or we can use this energy to recreate ourselves. In order to do this, you will have to be very present and self aware of your emotions at this time. Weakness are meant to turn into strength, it’s time to be fearless and take charge. What do you want out of life? What makes you happy? What goals do you really want to achieve? It’s time you dive head first into your endeavors with determination and passion!


I’m sure we can all agree that this year has been far from normal; to a global pandemic, political debates, natural disasters, planetary placements and so much more. The world as a whole is transforming and evolving, things are coming to light both personally and collectively. This energy is at an all time high where the whole world is purging, cleansing and being reborn.

This full Moon’s energy will be crucial in the weeks and months ahead and because of this hot and fiery energy it can get the best of us. Focus on what’s working rather than what’s not and try to not get too heated!