How To Manifest Your Dream Life Using These 4 Universal Laws

How To Manifest Your Dream Life Using These 4 Universal Laws

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Like most people, we all have aspirations and goals. Sometimes though, certain goals we have, seem a little too far out of reach. That’s where manifestation comes in. 

What is Manifestation? 

Manifestation refers to various  self-help strategies intended to bring personal goals into fruition, primarily by focusing one’s thoughts, emotions and feelings to bring  upon the desired outcome.When most people think of manifestation they think of the law of attraction. But what if I told you there are a few other laws that coincide with the law of attraction. Have you been trying to manifest something but it’s not coming into fruition? Sometimes things we want to manifest can take awhile to fully come to light, but by using these four universal laws you can fully manifest your wishes into reality.

The Law of Attraction

This law of attraction states that your thoughts create your reality. Instead of focusing on things you don’t want to happen, you shift your focus to things you do want to happen in your life. Our thoughts, feelings, words and actions produce energy, which in turn attracts like energies. The things you put focus on certain things, you consume that vibration and attract those certain things. The law of attraction is the most talked about universal law, but there is more that goes into manifestation than just attracting it through thoughts.

The Law of Assumption

The law of Assumption states that the assumptions you hold in your consciousness will become /your reality. If you have a belief/ assumption about a topic due to unhealed trauma, then you will constantly attract and view the world in that mindset. To change anything in your life then you have to change the beliefs and assumptions you golf about it. In order to manifest, you must change your assumptions about certain beliefs you may have, for instance, if you believe money is hard to obtain and you are always going to be poor, than any manifestation about money will not come to fruition due to this assumption.

The Law of Vibration

The law of vibration states that everything in the universe moves and vibrates in circular motions. This applies to our outer world, but also our inner world such as our emotions and mental state. When we want to manifest a certain thing, this thing could be at a different vibration than our inner world. In order to make your manifestation truely come into fruition then you need to change your inner dialog and vibration to match the vibration of the manifestation you desire. 

The Law of Action

The law of action is the act of doing and achieving and must take place in order to manifest certain things. This law co-exists within the law of attraction and the law of vibration. When we want to manifest something using the law of attraction then we must take action to make a physical and mental effort to shift our frequency in order to receive what we want. In order to make any goal come true you must take the action to get there, things are not just going to happen without any effort.

Planetary Alignments

Along with the first full moon in Aquarius, it is also the start of Leo season which happens on July 22nd. As well the sun and moon are in opposition where the sun is at 1° of Leo and the moon is at  1° of Aquarius.  There are also quinquies of planets that are in retrograde; Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Chiron and Neptune. Astrology gives us a structure of meaning but our frequency that makes that archetype skeleton or structure that comes into reality. This fast moving energy has and will be surrounding us for the next half of the year.

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