Super New Moon in Scorpio

Super New Moon in Scorpio

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This upcoming Super New Moon lands on November 4 2021 and is in the sign Scorpio. The Super New Moon is a name given to the moon when it is closer to the earth. This energy and influences of the New Moon can have a larger effect in our lives. Scorpio is a fixed water sign and is the most intense of the water signs, this brings a huge impact to our moods, energy and emotional levels. All new moons signify a new lunar cycle, so it is important to take time to set intentions as this Scorpio season can be a catalyst to starting a new chapter. 

Planetary Alignments

The New Moon tightly opposes Uranus – planet of awakening revelations. This Opposition between two astral bodies signifies a divide between those energies. This encourages us to stay open to new approaches in the way we live life and problem solve. Mercury – planet of communication and intellect sextiles Venus – planet of love and relationships. A sextile between two astral bodies involved brings in supportive encouragement. The Sun, Moon and Mars are all in the sign of Scorpio and there are only three planets in retrograde; Uranus, Neptune and Chiron.

Exploring Your Shadow Self 

This Scorpio New moon has an impact on our shadow self; the darker energy that resides in us. Most of the time we like to keep this part of us hidden as these are aspects of ourselves we do particularly like. As Scorpio season can bring a lot of emotional upsets and potential upheaval  both internally and externally, this Scorpio energy can either enhance these parts of ourselves or helps us shine a light on these parts to heal ourselves through shadow work. When we take the time to do inner healing, we are able to grow and expand. 

Hidden Truths and Secrets Come to Light 

The sign of Scorpio is very connected to secrets. As we continue the month the energy of the new moon shines a light on those secrets to discover hidden truths. While these secrets and truths come to light this strengthens aspects of our lives. What is and isn’t working, what approaches can we change, how can we move forward. It is important to embrace rest and silence during this time.  It is in the mits of stillness and quiet- without stimulation from electronics, social media and socialization that our intuition and subconscious speaks through. We are able to get in touch with our higher self so our minds are able to connect the dots from previous experiences and fully process them to gain clarity and reflect.

Intense Change and Transformation

Scorpio is the sign of endings and new beginnings which brings intense change and transformation. As we enter the month, the Sun and Mars are already in Scorpio. With these planets in the same sign this helps embrace change being and open to communication. This helps us sustain our emotional connections. We are being encouraged to step outside our comfort zones, to problem solve differently, to grow, expand and change our approaches to how we live, heal and transform. The key is how we react to the world around us, impulsive reactions could turn what is a small issue into a bigger issue. We have to adapt differently if we don’t want to follow the same patterns and lessons. This is a time of immense change internally if we want our external life to change as well. You have to change your mindset if you truly want to transform your life. 

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