New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini

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This upcoming new moon lands on May 30, 2022 (or June 6 2022 in my 13-month lunar calendar) and is in the sign of Gemini- the sign that is associated with communication with logical thought processes within the conscious mind. New moons are often a time where we set the intentions and plant the seeds for the lunar cycle ahead of us. With this post-eclipse energy that radiates the air, this is a time where we are picking up the pieces of what was illuminated.

Planetary Alignments

The sun and moon are in the sign of Gemini while Mars – the Planet of courage and assertiveness- conjuncts with Jupiter – The planet of optimism and expansion. When two astrobodies are conjuncted, it brings in a strong theme of blending and working together. You may feel more confident during this time and have more charisma while also seeing your value and empowering what you bring to the table. Mercury is in retrograde until June 5th – which brings in sudden shifts and challenges to day-to-day life and Pluto is also in retrograde which is likely to shake up structures we have already in place. Lastly, Mercury squares Saturn, which may cause friction in our lives and will cause us to bring more maturity and sternness into certain aspects of our lives. 

What To Expect 

Relationship and Communication Challenges 

Relationships are the hardest and the most challenging aspects of self-discovery and evolution. Your relationships may have been met with a crossroads; you either evolve; open your heart, have more patience and tolerance by adjusting your own behaviour or else it’s over. Or you may have more conflict and disagreements during this time. When you are faced with these challenges it is an opportunity to clear away more unconsciousness and allow for greater depth. Sometimes the universe will use the relationships you have in your life to metaphorically put a mirror up to show something you need to look at. It will be right in front of your face in a way where you cannot run or avoid it. The weight and the pressure will crush you if you do not deal with it. This will require you to become more clear and open with communication


With the remains of what was illuminated during the eclipse season, this is a great time to reflect on certain aspects and situations in our lives. This may include communication and our connections with others, such as relationships with our spouses, friends or family. Did you end up reacting out of being triggered? Have you projected any insecurities onto others that affected your perspective on the situation? What are your perspectives? How can you learn from one another? In what way can you deep dive into new perspectives? This airy Gemini energy influences us to keep an open mind and be realistic when it comes to taking accountability for our actions and emotions. Our inner world reflects in our outer world, and this may be a time when more shadow work needs to be done; Where you can take a look at past traumas and wounds to see how they have may affected certain scenarios that may have transpired. What is something you want to do, that you haven’t yet? With being halfway through the year this is a good time to really sit and reflect on what has happened in the first half of the year and what you want to happen for the second half of the year.

Your Soul is Ready to Shine 

This intense energy might have you attracting inspiration and you might find yourself wanting to do something outside the realms of your comfort zone. There’s a part of you waking up, the real you – the soul within your personality and life.  If you can be your bold real authentic self you may find a lot of joy and peace come into your life. Putting yourself out there creatively is scary though and not an easy task, as it’s intertwined with self-worth and unresolved unconscious issues. Any type of change is challenging especially when the people you surround yourself with are not used to the changes you have made within yourself. They may expect you to be the old version of yourself and it can reinforce a subconscious part of you to come back. This Gemini New Moon and the duality between the twins of the sign – is going to make it very hard to avoid certain changes that need to be made. When we cling to the old, when we resist the needed change, when we resist the will of our soul- it creates more resistance, more pain and more suffering, it’ll be like we are fighting between two aspects of ourselves and we are faced to either evolve or stay the same. In order to evolve, all we need to do is let go, surrender and follow the will of our spirit. This can take some willpower and awareness to stand in our power, say no to old patterns and habits and embrace the side of you – your soul – that’s been yearning to come out. 

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