Super Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius

Super Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius

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This upcoming full moon lands on June 14th, 2022 (or June 21st, 2022 in my 13th-month lunar day calendar.) Full moons act as a cosmic Spotlight and a super full moon means that the moon will be at one of its closest positions to the Earth which increases the effects it has on us. The moon is in the sign of Sagittarius which brings in themes of finding the power within ourselves to be able to look at our lives from more of a birdseye view. This brings in more of a philosophical and spiritual viewpoint, while we are able to let go of smaller details of our life that oftentimes is the ego that wants us to hold on. There is a massive shift in the collective consciousness during this time. Life is all about momentum and it’s becoming a lot easier to tap into our soul purpose. As we are upgrading and levelling up in the frequency we vibrate at, there is a tendency for this energy to provoke and bring up to the surface some of our deepest emotions, traumas and dysfunction patterns. Take the time to explore, pause and process what’s coming up before responding or making rash decisions.

Planetary Alignments

The Sun is currently in the sign of Gemini and is in opposition to the Moon that’s in Sagittarius. As of June 4th, Saturn – the planet of structure- is in retrograde which may lead to a heightened level of hiccups and friction within the realms of our lives that need more structure or a sense of discipline. The Moon is also sextiling with Saturn, which will bring a calling for us to speak our truth. Lastly, the sun and moon both square Neptune, which will help enhance our ability to see past our own perspectives to gain a deeper understanding.

What To Expect:

Your Inner World Integrates With Your Outer World 

This super full moon will shed the light on what is left of our fragile shadow, since every individual is at a different stage/path of their journey, this shedding of light – or breaking through the veil will have different impacts and outcomes. For some, suppressed emotions that have been too much for your psyche to handle before may present themselves during this time. It’s important to allow yourself to truly feel these emotions in order to work through them, especially since this super full moon can heighten our sensitivity and emotions. For others, it’s a time to strike a balance between our inner and outer worlds. While the Moon- that is in the sign of Sagittarius represents our inner world, it will bring in themes of how we can embody and process a higher or spiritual view of our lives, and not be so absorbed into the entertainment of the 3D aspect of life. This energy will help us really tune into our intuitive abilities as well as heighten our highly optimistic views with expansion and idealism. The Sun during this time is in the sign Gemini and represents our outer world, it will bring in themes of change and transformation. This is a time when our inner world, our inner emotions will really integrate with our outer world.

Maturing To Evolve 

Saturn plays a huge role during this full moon; this energy will help influence us to take a more responsible approach to certain aspects of our life in mature ways. Not only will this help tie up loose ends and bring structure and maturity where it is needed, but it will also give us a sense of reorganization of the self and life. This full moon will make us very sensitive to have an accurate discernment of what is actually us and what is not. It influences us to lighten our vibrational load to truly step into this new phase of life. Certain aspects of our shadow such as old beliefs patterns habits ways of thinking, old feelings and emotional reactions, are no longer relevant to where we are currently vibrating and don’t fit anymore. This calls us to take the time to be more intentional when it comes to certain aspects of our lives and helps us gain a routine and structure where we are being called to mature in our lives.

Seeing The Big Picture 

This super full moon energy will help us go into deeper thoughts to gain a different perspective of certain situations, scenarios and aspects of our lives. This grants us the ability to ask ourselves what we can learn from different experiences, by being able to take our emotions and a 3D way of thinking out of the equation. A lot of the time we take on other people’s burdens and projections as if they are our own. This energy will allow us to see beyond the emotional strain of taking on other people’s baggage and will allow us to see the bigger picture. When we are able to see things from a different perspective it makes moving on and closing a chapter easier. You may find that you are experiencing a more in-depth growth in your spiritual journey. By doing so, we are finally able to let go and fully embrace where our lives are going, and bring in a sense of peace, joy and abundance.

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