Snow Full Moon in Leo

Snow Full Moon in Leo

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This upcoming Snow Full Moon lands on February 5th, 2023 and is in the fiery sign of Leo. Full moons act as a catalyst for illuminating areas of our lives that are or aren’t working and tend to bring dynamic changes to certain aspects of yourselves and our lives. This dramatic Leo energy helps influence us to be more creative, and assertive and not forget self-confidence in our day-to-day life. We have already endured the darkest weeks of the season and during that time most of us have been in this hermit stage, but as the days are slowly getting longer and spring is just around the corner, this full moon will help influence us out of our shell.

Planetary Alignments 

During this time of the full moon, the sun is in Aquarius and the moon is in Leo; bringing in a dynamic of logic, spontaneous and confident energy. As well as Venus – the planet of love and relationships –  squares Mars – the planet of action, ego and assertiveness. This transit could be challenging depending on how you handle it as this transit can bring in a bit of tension and even conflict in relationships and financial matters. Mercury – Planet of communication, intellect and memory sextiles Neptune – Planet of Ideas and intuition. This sextile will offer easy-flowing energy in terms of our intuition and imagination.  the Sun and Moon also squares Uranus which can bring in unexpected events and change while the moon can bring in a sense of emotional restlessness.

What To Expect

Coming Back to Life

As human beings, we operate much like the season. During the winter months, we tend to hermit and rest but as the days are getting longer spring is approaching we are slowly coming back to life and getting out of the hermit phase. This fiery Leo energy of the full moon helps with self-confidence and self-expression and can have us “feeling ourselves” This is a time to embrace this extra self-confidence and use this energy to set the intention of what seeds you want to grow during the spring; What kind of life are you wanting and trying to create for yourself? What things are working, and what things are no longer working? Remember your new life is going to cost you your old one. it is important to get clear on your intentions and support systems & mindful of how your ego might be contributing to any roadblocks. 


Changes in Relationships & Finances

Full moons tend to lift the veil and shine the light on what is or isn’t working in our day-to-day life, as well as the relationships we have around us. You may experience heightened callings for boldness or being impulsive in relationships and financial dealing as this Leo energy can help bring passion and drive back into relationships and work matters.  These changes can bring excitement and drive and can help us rise above challenges that we are facing but it can also be difficult as it tends to rev up our sensitivities and insecurities. 


Gaining Creative Spark 

Have you been feeling down or has life been feeling mundane lately? This full moon can help bring in more fiery passion and a spark back into your life. This can come in the form of creative or work projects or can even just add more passion to everyday life. This is the perfect time to harness this energy and use it wisely. Whether it’s to get back to the activities and things you enjoy doing or just to help with future endeavours. Whatever the case may be, this creative spark – if harnessed correctly, can propel you further with certain life goals and aspirations in the upcoming months. 


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