Wolf Full Moon In Cancer

Wolf Full Moon In Cancer

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This upcoming full moon lands on January 7th, 2023 (or January 4th, 2022 in my 13-month 28-day lunar calendar) and is in the sign of Cancer. This emotionally connected full moon happens every Capricorn season, just as we cross the threshold of the solstice and often occurs when we enter a new calendar year. (in the gregorian calendar) Even though we are just starting the year and most people are thinking and planning resolutions for the year. It is important to take time to relax and go inwards before immediately jumping into action. This watery energy will allow us to check in and process our emotions or whatever is coming up during this time – whether that is emotions that have accumulated over the last year or even ones that may have built up through the holiday season. This is a perfect time to review and reflect on the innermost parts of ourselves to gain new insights and awareness into different areas of our lives.

Planetary Alignments 

During this full moon, the sun is in Capricorn and the Moon is in Cancer. Mars and Mercury are also in retrograde – with Mars retrograde going through Capricorn and meeting up with the sun- this marks the midpoint in the retrograde. The Sun and Mercury are opposing the moon in cancer, while sextiling Uranus in Taurus.

What To Expect

Nurturing Oneself

This Cancerian full moon brings in a very nurturing energy and as much as we nurture our loved ones around us, it is important to take the time to nurture yourself. How can you better nurture and care for yourself to fully support yourself on every level? This can be in the realms of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual – so use this time to pause, slow down and get honest with yourself about what you need in your life in order to thrive. Notice what you are longing to let go of and allow yourself to feel that fully and release for good. As we allow ourselves to clear our emotions, it will give us intelligence and wisdom so we can move forward in life.  


It’s time to get back to basics on how we can assert and help ourselves feel safe both emotionally and practically. This involves going back and taking care of our roots. The full moon energy will help bring balance within ourselves, so we are able to fully ground and center ourselves. The holiday season can be so busy and draining, so this full moon calls us to take a step back, cancel out the access noise that surrounds us and go inner wards – Get real with aspects of yourselves that need to be tendered to so you can fully empower your energy.

Embrace the Change 

Often we find security in our comfort zones, but old things need to be released in order for the new to come in. Stepping out of our comfort zones can be scary as it’s unfamiliar and seems unsafe, but sometimes the safest way to grow is through transformation and change. It is common to be nervous about the things that are shifting but this full moon energy helps soothe the part of ourselves that is skeptical of change. Sometimes we need to step out of the box that we limit ourselves to in order to fully flourish into the person we want to be. Take the leap into the unknown because it could be the best thing that has ever happened to you.  Give yourself softness and recognition be gentle not about pushing to get through and make 

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