Super Blood Full Moon & Eclipse in Sagittarius

Super Blood Full Moon & Eclipse in Sagittarius

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This month’s full moon lands on May 26 2021 and is at an all time high for the energy that surrounds it! It is a Super full blood moon & eclipse in Sagittarius. This full moon has intense energy, after following the new moon in Taurus, which was a pivot point in the energy change at the start of this lunar cycle. Things are coming into fruition, and the energy is changing. To some this energy may be chaotic and things that have been hidden in the subconscious may come to light. To others this will be an intense time for change and advances. Ultimately, it all comes down to the state where you are in your journey and what you do to stay balanced and grounded during this intense energy that surrounds us. 

Coming to Terms With Your Shadow 

This full moon and lunar eclipse emphasizes the darkness and shadow of the Moon. This is the time where the shadow part of one self is coming up and we must not suppress the shadow. It’s not to deny it, to say that  there’s no shadow or there’s no darkness within one self. That is equivalent to saying there’s no eclipse or shadow of the moon. It’s all about understanding that life is the dance between darkness and lightness. Where there is light, there is a shadow, and it’s time to explore the shadow part of you to find out who you really are. When you face the shadow you are able to see everything clearly so you can heal and make peace with your past, by shining the light into your inner world you can ask yourself  questions.. “who am I?” “Why am I experiencing certain feelings and emotions?”  This is a time to reflect, grow and learn by looking at the shadow as these emotional traumatic events and memories.

A Different Perspective on Relationships

This new found energy of reevaluating the shadow helps you understand yourself in your relationships, whether it’s the relationship with yourself, family, friend or partner. This energy will build better relationships as you get a better understanding of yourself in said relationships. The fire energy the lunar eclipse brings exaggerate our emotional connection with other people and this full moon is going to give you a different perspective,  a different point in life where you can say “you know what, it’s not what I think, it’s not about who’s better and who’s not , it’s not putting people on pedestal or just putting them somewhere below my level of awareness” It’s about being connected and seeing people and situations clearly without emotions taking control. 

Be mindful of your inner world and use your words in kindness. When you feel urged to say something, take a step back, think before you speak and choose to have a state of inner peace instead of saying something out of anger. As much as people want to think that words don’t hurt, they most certainly do. It is all about how you word things to get your point across. Just because you perceived something a certain way, doesn’t mean everyone else will.

Intense Change and Inner Wisdom 

The universe is connected through frequencies and vibrations, so if you have lower vibrations and are letting your shadow take control, you must redirect that energy. This is a time to be balanced and grounded. The greatest ideas come out of a state of darkness, as the energy starts to flow into fruition from the seeds planted during the New Moon, the energy is at an all time high and can be a bit chaotic. During the time of eclipses your subconscious mind is opening because it’s triggered. It’s an emotional experience and your subconscious mind responds to emotions, some of these emotions are from your past experiences. These emotions are part of the shadow that becomes visible during this time so you can look at them and recess your emotions and desires. This is a time to change and grow into the next phase of your life. 

Think of seeds you planted at the start of this lunar cycle and revisit where they are now. Much like when you plant a seed in mother earth, the tiny little seed you planted will grow roots and will take the place of the foundation. In order for the seeds you planted to grow, you must be able to stay grounded and not let lower vibrations get to you. Be reliant on yourself, trust yourself and allow yourself to have a creative flow. Remember that you are connected to the spiritual realm and wisdom, you are guided from within and you know more of the answer you seek than you think. As a spiritual being you are connected to everything and everyone. When you have an inner state of harmony, then you will preserve everything around you in a state of harmony.

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