New Moon in Leo

New Moon in Leo

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This upcoming new moon lands on July 28, 2022, (or August 9th, 2022 in my 13 month 28-day lunar calendar) with being in the fiery sign of Leo it will bring in energetic support to the realms of our confidence, self-accountability and creative expressions. This new moon energy will also help illuminate what is and isn’t working thus bringing in help to redirect the focus on where we are putting our energy. This can be very expansive time but this energy can also have old patterns, behaviours and lessons resurface. We may be feeling cracked open and exposed with emotions running high, but we must remain grounded and self-aware during this time as it will give us more awareness to the other side. As of right now, we are living in this cloaked physical reality, where more and more individuals are having kundalini awakenings. The veil that has been around us is slowly diminishing – we are collectively vibrating higher and many of us are in a state of self-transcendence. – where you have transcended identifying with the inner experience of your soul and not your ego, a persona or a story on who you need to be. Life is all about the journey and not the destination, so it is important to have a sense of gratitude for what you’ve accomplished so far.

Planetary Alignments 

The Sun and Moon are both in the sign of Leo and the moon conjuncts Jupiter –  planet of optimism expansion and Sparks curiosity for deeper knowledge- which will influence us to want to grow and expand. Jupiter joins Saturn and Neptune in retrograde; These retrogrades can cause an upheaval in our lives and can have us reflecting on certain aspects of our lives. Mercury- the planet of learning thinking communication-  squares Uranus- the planet of illusions, transformation and awakening  –  this can amplify challenges and some of us will be called to find a breakthrough out of the illusions. Mercury also squares Mars which will heighten the likelihood of jumping to conclusions and impulsive behaviour.

What To Expect 

Heightened Ascension Symptoms

On a collective standpoint, we are currently jumping in vibration; constantly growing, evolving and expanding. With this also comes mental, emotional and physical side effects. These side effects are also known as ascension symptoms; you may be feeling exhausted, experience fatigue, you may feel achy and sore and you may feel pressure in your head,  which is related to your third eye and;/or crown chakra or you just may feel “off”. Having heightened empathy is also a common ascension symptom; This can make us very hypersensitive to our surroundings and other people’s energy, which can make us easily aggravated and agitated.

New Beginnings and New Chapters 

Since eclipse season, there has been so much transformation and turbulence. This can really break into new chapters and beginnings in our life. With that being said, it can either be a repeat of cycles that you’ve already played out and lessons you’ve already learned or something truly new and exciting is on the horizon. The best thing you can do is don’t settle, know your worth and set boundaries when they are needed. Be aware of the lessons the universe has been sending your way, it is important to reflect and explore what you really want out of life. Is what’s in your life truly aligning with you and truly resonating with you? Is there something new you want to bring into your life? The new moon is a perfect time to plant the seeds for the next lunar cycle.

New Beginnings and New Chapters 

Since eclipse season, there has been so much transformation and turbulence. This can really break into new chapters and beginnings in our life. With that being said, it can either be a repeat of cycles that you’ve already played out and lessons you’ve already learned or something truly new and exciting is on the horizon. The best thing you can do is don’t settle, know your worth and set boundaries when they are needed. Be aware of the lessons the universe has been sending your way, it is important to reflect and explore what you really want out of life. Is what’s in your life truly aligning with you and truly resonating with you? Is there something new you want to bring into your life? The new moon is a perfect time to plant the seeds for the next lunar cycle.

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