Cancer New Moon

Cancer New Moon

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This upcoming new moon lands on June 28th, 2022 ( or July 7th in my 13-month 28-day calendar) and is in the sign of Cancer. This Cancerian energy is also known as the “mother” and represents the family, the home, while also bringing in nurturing and healing aspects centring around the concept of belonging. This watery sign may bring emotions up to the surface helping us heal and help us with our self-expression. This potent truth-telling New Moon encourages us to embrace our inner knowing while going straight to the source of intuitive wisdom. Doing so will help bring out the true authentic parts of ourselves.

Planetary Alignments

The sun and moon are both in the sign of Cancer and the summer solstice happened on June 21st making the days longer. Jupiter in Aries is squaring the sun & moon as well as the black moon Lilith. Jupiter is expanding all the potential emotions around feminine, nurturing and mothering energy. This brings in themes of being more emotional and physically secure and wanting to protect the family, as well as a great sense of sensitivity and a powerful Yang energy. Saturn is still in retrograde and Neptune will go into retrograde on June 28, which will bring in huge reality shifts and perspective changes.

What To Expect

The Past Will Come up 

As this Cancer energy is more of a feminine and nurturing energy, don’t be surprised if a lot of things from the past pop up. This may come in the forms of memories, emotions or even situations and people. This will help us analyze how the past impacts the present and the future, and will also show us what needs to be healed, released and let go from. Themes from the past will also come up to show us and remind us how much we have changed and evolved over the years. This puts focus on nurturing our inner child and not being so hard on ourselves. 

Allow Yourself to be Vulnerable

This watery sign will be no stranger at getting us in our feels. Some of our deepest desires for emotional support and security in connections may be at a peak during this time. Allowing yourself to feel this vulnerability, it’s coming up now for a reason and allowing yourself to actually feel your emotions will help you become more accepting of your deepest desires. In today’s society, being hyper-independent is one of the most common things, but it is in fact a trauma response. After all we are human, and emotional intimate connections are something we yearn for in one way or another. It’s important to ground and center yourself during this time to keep your temper and emotions under control. When you are able actually to feel and flow through the motions, your intuition will be heightened, and you will be able to be transparent with your inner truth, rather than being caught up in an emotional whirlwind.

Rebirth, Renewal and Reinvigoration 

The New moon is a potent time where we can plant our desires into the dark fertile soil to reap what we have sown following lunar cycles. So keep in mind that this is a perfect time to manifest the life you want to bring in a new future and new realities. It’s very important to remember that your words are spells – what you speak, what you think – have more of an impact than you realize. As the year is half over, what goals are you wanting to accomplish for the second half of the year? Are there certain aspects of a routine that are not working anymore? It’s time to reflect upon your internal world versus your external world. Are these two aspects working together? Are you living an authentic life? Are you being transparent and voicing your truth in an authentic way? During eclipse season, there was a lot that was illuminated, but now is the time to get yourself back on track to live up to your fullest potential. 

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