Super Sturgeon Full Moon in Aquarius 

Super Sturgeon Full Moon in Aquarius 

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This upcoming full moon lands on August 11th (or August 24th in my 13th month 28-day calendar) Full moons tend to illuminate our inner world – our inner emotions, our intuitive abilities and our attitude towards things. Certain circumstances that might have been developing over time are coming up to the surface to help us look at our lives from a bird’s eye view. Super full moons are when the moon is closer to the earth, so the energy it resonates has more of an impact on us. This is the final super moon of the year, and it brings many changes and shifts to our reality. This airy sign of Aquarius helps brings in revolutionary energy for desire and a pathway to freedom, which will encourage us to let go of what is no longer serving us. Sometimes life seems like it’s falling apart, but things need to fall apart in order to come together. No matter how big or small the challenge that comes your way, know that it is forming you into the person you’ve always wanted to be and that you’re becoming the person you’re supposed to be on this planet. When challenges arise, there is always something to learn, so any piece of information you receive and retain from this full moon is going to give you strength and going give you freedom. After all, the truth – will set you free.

Planetary Alignments 

As per every full moon, there is an opposition between the Sun and the Moon- the sun is in Leo the Moon is in Aquarius. This opposition will impact our outer world, our ego and how we interface and connect with other people. The Sun and Moon Square Uranus – the planet of freedom and revolution. This can often bring in sudden changes, especially in the realms of home, finance and work.  Mars sextiles Neptune which can bring in easy-flowing energy and opportunities while also making it easier to connect with like-minded people who match our vibration.  Mars trines Pluto trine which can bring in the sense of divine ambition and energy to go towards that new chapter in life and to finally embrace or explore stuff outside our comfort zone. Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Neptune are all in retrograde, and towards the end of the month, Uranus follows suit. This energy will bring in expansive changes to our lives. 

Inner Vs. Outer self

Since the Sun is in Leo- how we present ourselves outwardly relative to our ego and how we connect with others is more pronounced, whereas the moon is in Aquarius – so our inner world, our inner dialogue and a more logical approach to situations is heightened. It is essential to strike a balance between our inner world and our outer world. Take a look at what your current priorities- are you prioritizing yourself? Is your inner world, your inner psyche in a good place? What type of things can you do to make it better?  This full moon energy helps bring in fresh perspectives to the boundaries we have in place. This is also a time where you may shine in your outer world, you may be having more fun, and want to play and socialize more! Life can be so serious sometimes, so don’t be afraid to let loose!

Ending Cycles

This is a big full moon for letting go and ending cycles, or something you really need to say goodbye to it could be a person, place, situation, a thought form, a career, a living situation. Anything you are just done with, but not even not in a negative way. Just something you have finished the cycle or project with. It’s time to fully let go. Don’t let it define you. Don’t let it have power over you. Let this cycle end without being attached to it or the outcomes.  

Expect Positive Change 

In order to fully merge into the life you have been manifesting, we need to take the necessary steps to get there. This energy from the full moon will help us figure out details to make our manifestations come to light. Although, sometimes our lives have to stir up in order for our manifestations to come in, so don’t cling to the old and accept the upgrade that’s coming in. This is a pivot point between the old and the new. Expect positive change and expect yourself to demand more of yourself within your life and relationships. Doing so will bring in more harmony, more growth, and more depth and will help you fully come into your own power.

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